Start date
22 September 2025
4 years full-time
5 years inc placement
Places available (subject to change)
About the course
Reasons to study
- This course is accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers and could help you to achieve Chartered Chemical Engineer status after graduation.
- Your learning will take place in new £18.2 million facilities. Gain hands-on experience using scientific instrumentation in our modern chemical sciences labs.
- You could stand out in the employment market with an MEng degree, for employers seeking strong chemical engineers.
Chemical engineering is a vital branch of engineering concerned with the analysis and design of chemical processes for manufacturing purposes. Continuing your chemical engineering education alongside chemistry opens you up to potentially exciting career opportunities where you can make an impact in a variety of fields, including pharmaceuticals and healthcare, process design and construction, and food science.
Why study Chemical Engineering with Chemistry MEng
This Chemical Engineering with Chemistry MEng course is accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), meaning it will provide you with in-depth coverage of modern, industry-relevant chemical engineering material, from the fundamentals all the way to process design. You’ll be prepared to start your journey towards achieving Chartered Chemical Engineer status after completion.
This advanced course is a step up from the undergraduate BEng(Hons) course. It will provide you with a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of chemical engineering as well as chemistry, with an emphasis on further developing skills such as problem solving, logical reasoning, and imaginative thinking.
You’ll gain relevant real-world experience throughout this course. You’ll be taught by leading academics through lectures, seminars, and sessions, which will be supplemented by modern industry instruments in our specialist chemical sciences and chemical engineering labs, which include pilot-scale rigs. Following your first two years in the course, you’ll put your knowledge and skills to the test in an optional supervised work placement. During this placement year, you’ll:
- Experience working in a real-world environment within the industry, in the UK or internationally.
- Explore employment opportunities within organisations related to your studies and chosen pathway.
- Network with potential employers and construct work experience profiles to prepare for a future Chemical Engineering or Chemistry career.
This advanced course will prepare you for a variety of potentially exciting careers in a range of fields in the industry. You could work in chemical manufacturing, environmental consultancy, nuclear engineering or oil and gas.
Course detail
Core modules:
The Reactivity and Properties of Carbon Compounds
This module teaches you to recognise a range of functional groups and to name systematically compounds that contain them. Structure and bonding in organic compounds are discussed, as are the concepts of the octet rule, orbital hybridisation, formal charge, bond polarisation and resonance. The importance of molecular geometry is introduced and the basic principles of molecular conformation and of stereochemistry are covered. In preparation for the chemistry to follow, an integrated treatment of the 'language of chemical change' is presented. The ideas of mechanism and reaction intermediates are met, together with the curly arrow symbolism which chemists use to represent the electron movement inherent in chemical reactions. In the second half of the module, the chemistry of the principal functional groups is considered, using the ideas developed earlier. The lecture programme is reinforced by regular tutorials in which problems are worked. Running parallel to the lecture programme is a continuously assessed practical course that introduces you to the basic techniques of preparative organic chemistry.
Physical Chemistry 1
This module covers four areas of physical chemistry: Units, Conversions and the Properties of ideal and non-ideal Gases, Solution Chemistry of Acids, Bases and Salts, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis, and Introductory Thermodynamics
Chemical Engineering Design 1
This module introduces you to the industrial manufacture of important chemicals and prepares you to formulate and solve material and energy balances on chemical systems. It also lays the foundation for subsequent courses in unit operations and chemical reaction engineering. It introduces the principles of operation and analysis of operations in chemical processes and the use of computer software packages including chemical engineering simulation software.
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
This module introduces you to the fundamental concepts of fluid flow and heat transfer with emphasis on practical design and rating calculations.
Chemical Engineering Labs and Inorganic Chemistry
This module covers two distinct areas of learning relevant to chemical engineers: (i) practical chemical engineering laboratory skills; and (ii) an introduction to the chemistry of the elements. The chemical engineering laboratory component of the module gives you the opportunity to engage with the practical laboratory skills in a chemical engineering context. You'll have the chance to learn the skills of safe laboratory practice; data recording, analysis, presentation and interpretation; practical application of fundamental chemical engineering knowledge; and basic technical report writing skills. The inorganic chemistry component of the module introduces you to the chemistry of the elements. Starting with the earliest known chemical events in the universe, this module discusses the elements, their origin, structure and properties before looking at the structure and bonding in and reactions of chemical compounds. The module also encompasses a number of areas of (mostly) main group chemistry including, but not limited to, the constituents of the earth's crust and the chemistry of the atmosphere.
In this key first year module you will gain fundamental knowledge and practical techniques in Engineering Mathematics to deal with analytical modules in the subsequent years of your course. Amongst the subjects you will study will be: functions, linear mathematics, calculus and numerical techniques to solve real world engineering problems.
Core modules:
Physical Chemistry 2
This module covers six topics: equilibrium and dynamic electrochemistry, phase equilibria, colloids and colloidal suspensions, colligative properties, kinetics of composite reactions and quantum theory – basic principles and simple applications. With the exception of quantum theory, material in the other areas builds on that presented in year 1.
Transport Processes and Unit Operations
This module develops a basic understanding of key mass transfer unit operations of distillation and absorption, including skills for the calculations of binary distillation, and absorption processes. The module provides an introduction to these separation processes based on the principles of mass transfer theory. Methods of operation, phase equilibria and separating agents are also examined. Overall, the module provides the basis for the building of simple mathematical models to represent the operation of the key mass transfer-based separation processes. The module also develops fundamental concepts in transport phenomena and process development, building on earlier modules in fluid flow and heat transfer. Transport phenomena is principally concerned with the unified study of three physical transport processes: momentum, heat and mass transfer. These processes are closely aligned because they often occur together, are described by closely related equations, rely on the principle of conservation (of mass, energy and momentum) and have similar underlying molecular mechanisms. This module develops a physical picture of laminar and turbulent flow and its implications for transport processes.
Chemical and Biochemical Reaction Engineering
This module provides the basic knowledge for the design and analysis of chemical/biochemical reactors. It also provides the basis to acquire further skills needed for the solution of quantitative problems encountered in the process industries. Effects of non-ideal flow conditions, ideal mixing and fixed or fluidized bed catalytic reactors will be covered.
Chemical Engineering Design 2
This module provides the knowledge and understanding of chemical engineering design in practice mainly in the aspects of process design. It also extends the use of essential chemical engineering design tools for process simulation.
Multiphase Systems
This module provides an introduction to fluid and particle mechanics, methods of solid-liquid and solid-gas separation. It provides basic concepts related to particle-fluid motion and solid handling including size analysis. It describes principles and calculation methods for separation, filtration, flow of fluids through packed beds of solid particles, fluidised beds, comminution, mixing, storage and rheology.
Organic Chemistry 2
This module provides coverage of the more important methods of forming carbon-carbon single and double bonds. Following on from year 1 carbonyl chemistry, some more advanced aspects of carbonyl chemistry will be discussed. Main-group elements and their role in synthesis will also be considered. Retrosynthetic analysis will be introduced in the context of carbonyl chemistry and will be developed to enable you to plan some complex multistep syntheses. The synthesis and reactions of the main classes of simple heterocyclic compounds will be covered. The chemistry of other biologically-important compounds such as carbohydrates amino acids will also be detailed. More advanced aspects of stereochemistry are covered, and the relationship between conformation and reactivity is explored. The module has a practical component which focuses on the use of more advanced techniques for the preparation, isolation and analysis (IR and NMR) of target molecules. A part of the practical session is devoted to the isolation of stereochemically pure products.
Supervised Work Experience
The supervised work experience (SWE) is normally a 48 week placement in a suitable organisation. The actual content of the placement will vary depending on the specific background and demands of individual students and the opportunities available within differing employing organisations. Placements are available both within the UK and abroad and assistance is provided to help find a suitable position. You'll be visited up to twice a year by your University tutor. The SWE provides an opportunity for you to experience employment within organisations related to your chosen pathway and at the same time improve your technical and social skills.
Core modules:
Design Project 1
From the IChemE Accreditation Guide: “In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.” A minimum of 30 UK credits of Design Project work is required for IChemE accreditation.
Design Project 2
From the IChemE Accreditation Guide: “In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.” A minimum of 30 UK credits of Design Project work is required for IChemE accreditation.
Safety Engineering and Process Control
This module provides knowledge and understanding of process control and issues and engineering approach to process safety in chemical industry. The module will also introduce the concept of process control, explain the need for process control, explore applications and develop control strategies for specific problems. This will include the study of P, PI, PD and PID controllers for the control of flow rate, level, pressure and temperature in process plant unit operations, controller tuning strategies, methods for the testing of process plant control systems and advanced control strategies.
Advanced Mass Transfer & Reaction Engineering
This module is designed to introduce and develop important concepts in catalytic reaction engineering and advanced mass transfer processes. The module will draw upon key knowledge and abilities gained in previous modules covering reaction engineering, mass transfer, heat transfer, process simulation and physical chemistry. The module will also cover fundamental principles of catalytic reaction engineering and gas-solid catalytic reactors, including the design of tubular fixed-bed reactors and the evaluation of catalytic performance from example laboratory data. The module will develop knowledge and abilities required for the advanced separation systems in which mass transfer is key, including complex distillation processes (distillation sequencing, azeotropic distillation), membrane processes and other selected separation systems. The introduction and development of these broad areas will be underpinned by the use of process simulation software to exemplify and reinforce key concepts and examples.
Sustainable Industrial Systems
This module encourages you to develop your knowledge and understanding of sustainable development in industrial systems and to provide approaches to design and assess for sustainability. The module also encompasses large scale experimental work relevant to industrial practice in relation to sustainability. It aims to introduce the concepts of sustainability and carbon and water footprints and provide an overview renewable energy processes and carbon capture technologies. It also examines selected examples in detail, looks at process integration methodologies in design for sustainability and introduces techno-economic and life cycle assessments. The module also enables you to gain experience in experimental group work involving large scale equipment relevant to the technologies, industries and methodologies introduced in the module.
Organic Chemistry 3
This module draws together the basic concepts of synthesis and reaction mechanisms in the context of providing methods for designing suitable synthetic routes to target compounds and also extends the range of reaction types to include pericyclic reactions. The module introduces contemporary preparative methods for the synthesis of organic compounds. Further aspects relating to designing a synthesis and the connection between design and retrosynthetic principles are covered. The selectivity of reactions and the concepts of regio-, chemo-, stereo- and enantioselectivity are developed as are the rules governing pericyclic reactions. The reaction mechanism component draws together concepts in both physical and mechanistic organic chemistry. This section provides techniques that can be used to differentiate between mechanistic types. The use of product analysis, activation parameters, linear free energy relationships and isotope effects to determine reaction mechanisms are described.
Core modules:
Advanced Process Development
This module is designed to develop fundamental concepts in process development, building on earlier modules in fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. It gives you the opportunity to extend your knowledge of related issues concerning the environment and sustainability. Process development is principally concerned with the successful scale up of chemical synthesis and is situated at the interface between chemistry and chemical engineering. It requires an awareness of various physicochemical principles and influencing factors such as reaction rate, selectivity, solvent effects on reactions, mixing effects and multiphase processing. This module examines systematic approaches to process development. The effects of physical processing conditions on scale up of synthetic process chemistry are also examined, including effects of batch transport phenomena, multiphase systems, mixing effects, batch charging and thermal effects. Examining the impact of engineering activities on the environment and sustainability are essential skills for any chemical engineer. This module extends important foundational ideas covered earlier in the course by focusing on sustainable development, environmental dispersion and waste minimization.
Surfaces, Polymers and Theoretical Chemistry
This module covers various aspects of advanced physical chemistry. Polymers are an industrially important material with applications in clothing, structural materials, coatings, data storage, etc. This module covers aspects of their synthesis and relates their chemical and structural properties to their applications. The properties of surfaces and the interaction of gas molecules with surfaces will be discussed. Different theories of adsorption will also be compared. The kinetics of surface reactions will be related to the mechanism of the reaction. The application of surface science type measurements in developing an understanding of how atoms and molecules adsorb on surfaces will be covered. Central to chemistry is being able to relate observation made in the laboratory to behaviour at the atomistic level and equally to use the interaction of atoms and molecules to derive quantities that can be measured at the macro-level. Thus statistical thermodynamics will be introduced and used to derive fundamental properties. Atomistic modelling also provides a view into the molecular world and after reviewing the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, the methods for approximating multi electron systems will be introduced and the applications in computational chemistry explored. The module will also provide you with a good knowledge in interfaces and catalysis, the principles of theoretical chemistry and further develop problem solving skills, especially to unfamiliar problems.
Computer Aided Product and Process Design
In this module you examine the molecular basis of product formulation and learn how to use advanced process simulation tools. You will also work in teams to complete an advanced design project. The advanced design project will involve comparing and critiquing different production routes for a speciality chemical. During the design project, you will work in small groups to generate an innovative product/process design to fulfil specific need.
Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering
This module is centred around the creation of detailed primer (report on recent review paper or book) that you'll have the opportunity to undertake on a specialist subject. In order to illustrate the learning purpose of this module, you'll be informed at the start of the module that the primers/reports submitted will be collated to form a textbook on “Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering” that will be made available to all students at the end of the course. The primer/report will also be peer reviewed by another student and also presented to the class by the main author. This will introduce the concept of peer review, provide additional quality control and allow the ideas gained to be effectively disseminated to and debated by the entire class. In addition to the book review, you'll also undertake to read articles in the IChemE monthly magazine, “The Chemical Engineer” (tce). This work will be demonstrated and assessed through a combination of monthly discussion groups and entries to their individual professional development portfolio.
Chemical Engineering Research Project
An independent research programme in the broad area of chemical engineering, drawing on the School’s research activities in this area. Supervisors will outline the aims of the project and direct you to the most recent literature. You'll undertake a review of the literature related to your project in order to prepare a research proposal that presents a reasoned case for undertaking the research. You'll then plan your projects in light of the current state of the field of research and the opportunities within the School’s resources and activities. You'll be given advice on research methods but will also be expected to lead the planning yourself. The projects will show depth and will involve advanced laboratory, instrumental and/or theoretical or computational techniques. They will be open ended and you'll be expected to review progress regularly and modify research plans accordingly. Group projects will be encouraged, though individual students will work independently. You'll present your research outcomes orally at a mini-conference and on a poster, and also defend at a poster day once the project is completed.
On average 32%* of the study time on this course is spent with your tutors (either face to face or online) in lectures, seminars, tutorials etc.
*based on 2023/2024 timetables
You’ll be taught through a series of lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, problem solving sessions, practicals and directed reading. Assessment will include written exams and coursework including problem solving assignments, practical work, laboratory reports, short tests, and oral and poster presentations.
Your module specification/course handbook will provide full details of the assessment criteria applying to your course.
Feedback (usually written) is normally provided on all coursework submissions within three term-time weeks – unless the submission was made towards the end of the session in which case feedback would be available on request after the formal publication of results. Feedback on exam performance/final coursework is available on request after the publication of results.
Huddersfield is the UK’s only university where 100% of the permanent teaching staff are fellows of the Higher Education Academy.*
*permanent staff, after probation: some recently appointed colleagues will only obtain recognition in the months after their arrival in Huddersfield, once they have started teaching.
Further information
The teaching year normally starts in September with breaks at Christmas and Easter, finishing with a main examination/assessment period around May/June. Timetables are normally available one month before registration. As this is a full-time course you may have to attend every day of the week.
Your course is made up of modules and each module is worth a number of credits. Each year you study modules to the value of 120 credits, adding up to 600 credits in total for an Integrated Master’s qualification and 480 credits in total if you choose not to take the supervised work experience year. These credits can come from a combination of core, compulsory and optional modules but please note that optional modules may not run if we do not have enough students interested.
If you achieve 120 credits for the current stage you are at, you may progress to the next stage of your course, subject to any professional, statutory or regulatory body guidelines.
The University of Huddersfield has been rated Gold in all three aspects of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. We were the only university in Yorkshire and the Humber and the North West to achieve Gold ratings in all three aspects of the TEF among those announced in September 2023. In fact only 13 Universities, out of the 96 that were announced in September 2023, were Gold in all three ratings.
Further proof of teaching excellence: our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2024). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best.
We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 23 since 2008 (2024 data).
We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award, recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017).
Read more about academic staff at the University of Huddersfield
At Huddersfield, you'll study the Global Professional Award (GPA) alongside your degree* so that you gain valuable qualities and experiences that could help you to get the career you want, no matter what your field of study is. On completion of the Award, you'll receive a GPA certificate from the University of Huddersfield, alongside the specialist subject skills and knowledge you gain as part of your degree, which may help to set you apart from other graduates.
Giving students access to the Global Professional Award is one of the reasons the University won ‘Best University Employability Strategy’ award at the National Graduate Recruitment Awards 2021. Find out more on the Global Professional Award webpage.
*full-time, undergraduate first degrees with a minimum duration of three years. This does not include postgraduate, foundation, top-up, accelerated or apprenticeship degrees.
Entry requirements
AAB-BBBat A Level including Maths and either Chemistry or Physics. The endorsement for practical work is an essential part of Science A Level study, and is a requirement for entry to our degree course. |
136-120 UCAS tariff points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications including A Levels in Maths and either Chemistry or Physics. The endorsement for practical work is an essential part of Science A Level study, and is a requirement for entry to our degree course. |
If you do not have the appropriate qualifications for direct entry to this degree you may be able to apply to our Science Extended Degree (BCF0).
If your first language is not English, you will need to meet the minimum requirements of an English Language qualification. The minimum for IELTS is 6.0 overall with no element lower than 5.5, or equivalent. Read more about the University’s entry requirements for students outside of the UK on our International Entry Requirements page.
Other suitable experience or qualifications will be considered. For further information please see the University's minimum entry requirements.
Student support
At the University of Huddersfield, you'll find support networks and services to help you get ahead in your studies and social life. Whether you study at undergraduate or postgraduate level, you'll soon discover that you're never far away from our dedicated staff and resources to help you to navigate through your personal student journey. Find out more about all our support services.
Important information
Although we always try and ensure we deliver our courses as described, sometimes we may have to make changes for the following reasons
When you enrol as a student of the University, your study and time with us will be governed by our terms and conditions, Handbook of Regulations and associated policies. It is important that you familiarise yourself with these as you will be asked to agree to them when you join us as a student. You will find a guide to the key terms here, along with the Student Protection Plan.
Although we always try and ensure we deliver our courses as described, sometimes we may have to make changes for the following reasons
Changes to a course you have applied for but are not yet enrolled on
If we propose to make a major change to a course that you are holding an offer for, then we will tell you as soon as possible so that you can decide whether to withdraw your application prior to enrolment. We may occasionally have to withdraw a course you have applied for or combine your programme with another programme if we consider this reasonably necessary to ensure a good student experience, for example if there are not enough applicants. Where this is the case we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible and we will discuss with you other suitable courses we can transfer your application to. If you do not wish to transfer to another course with us, you may cancel your application and we will refund you any deposits or fees you have paid to us.
Changes to your course after you enrol as a student
Changes to option modules:
Where your course allows you to choose modules from a range of options, we will review these each year and change them to reflect the expertise of our staff, current trends in research and as a result of student feedback or demand for certain modules. We will always ensure that you have an equivalent range of options to that advertised for the course. We will let you know in good time the options available for you to choose for the following year.
Major changes:
We will only make major changes to non-optional modules on a course if it is necessary for us to do so and provided such changes are reasonable. A major change is a change that substantially changes the outcomes, or a significant part of your course, such as the nature of the award or a substantial change to module content, teaching days (part time provision), type of delivery or assessment of the core curriculum. For example, it may be necessary to make a major change to reflect changes in the law or the requirements of the University’s regulators or a commissioning or accrediting body. We may also make changes to improve the course in response to student, examiners’ or other course evaluators’ feedback or to ensure you are being taught current best practice. Major changes may also be necessary because of circumstances outside our reasonable control, such as a key member of staff leaving the University or being unable to teach, where they have a particular specialism that can’t be adequately covered by other members of staff; or due to damage or interruption to buildings, facilities or equipment, or pandemics.
Major changes would usually be made with effect from the next academic year, but may happen sooner in an emergency. We will notify you as soon as possible should we need to make a major change and will carry out suitable consultation. If you reasonably believe that the proposed change will cause you detriment or hardship we will, if appropriate, work with you to try to reduce the adverse effect on you or find an appropriate solution. Where an appropriate solution cannot be found and you contact us in writing before the change takes effect you can cancel your registration and withdraw from the University without liability to the University for future tuition fees. We will provide reasonable support to assist you with transferring to another university if you wish to do so.
In exceptional circumstances, we may, for reasons outside of our control, be forced to discontinue or suspend your course. Where this is the case, a formal exit strategy will be followed in accordance with the student protection plan.
The Office for Students (OfS) is the principal regulator for the University.