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Speech and Language Therapy BSc(Hons)

2025-26 (also available for 2026-27)

Undergraduate Open Days
Undergraduate Open Days

Start date

22 September 2025


3 years full-time

Entry requirements

A Level - ABB


See full entry requirements

Places available (subject to change)


About the course

Reasons to study

  1. You’ll participate in teaching and learning opportunities developed alongside the Public Partnership Group, which is made up of service users and carers with lived experience of Speech and Language Therapy.
  2. You’ll receive a personal learning experience and all the support you require due to our small staff to student ratio.  
  3. To acquire essential skills that reflect the multidisciplinary ethos of the profession, you’ll study interprofessionally, with learners from other healthcare professions. 

Speech and language therapists work alongside children and adults who have speech, language and communication differences and eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties. Through holistic assessment and management, speech and language therapists collaborate with the individual, their family and/or carer to provide person-centred care that encompasses health, wellbeing, participation, and quality of life.

Speech and Language Therapy BSc(Hons) at the University of Huddersfield utilises clinician, academic and service-user input within our teaching and research. This course has been co-developed by practising speech and language therapists with extensive clinical experience and service-users and carers, who are part of the University's Public Partnership Group (PPG). The PPG will continue to be involved in developing your clinical and professional capabilities, through planning and assisting with teaching and learning sessions.

You'll put your clinical and professional capabilities to the test, including eating, drinking and swallowing competencies with various age groups and a variety of settings, through practice-based learning.For further information about the requirements for graduates to develop eating, drinking and swallowing capabilities endorsed by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists visit the placement section.

Why study Speech and Language Therapy BSc(Hons)

This course is accredited by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) and regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Through three overarching themes, you can develop interdisciplinary knowledge and the core capabilities to undertake holistic assessment and management of individuals with a range of speech and language therapy related difficulties. Those themes are clinical and professional skills, underpinning knowledge, and underpinning clinical knowledge.

The course integrates theory with practical skills in a balanced mix across both paediatrics and adults. Practice-based education, which includes placements, will incorporate all age groups in a variety of contexts and environments. The degree emphasises life-long transferable skills for graduates to implement in a variety of related career pathways too, in, for example clinical, research, leadership, and education.

To acquire essential skills that reflect the multidisciplinary ethos of the profession, you’ll study interprofessionally with learners from other healthcare professions. You’ll also benefit from specialist clinical teaching facilities and world-leading research facilities via the University’s new Daphne Steele Building.

Following successful completion of the course, you might go on to work in healthcare, as an allied health professional, as a speech-language pathologist, a therapist, or another relevant role.

Students on this course may be eligible to receive a non-repayable grant of at least £5,000 each year – find out more on the NHS Learning Support Fund website.

Not quite ready to start Speech and Language Therapy BSc(Hons)? Successful completion of our Health Foundation Pathway leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree will equip you with the foundation knowledge to study Speech and Language Therapy.

Course detail

Core modules:

Biomedical Sciences for Speech and Language Therapy

You’ll have the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge on general anatomy, physiology and biological processes relevant to speech and language therapy, alongside an introduction to audiology and the audiological management of hearing impairment. You’ll learn about the major systems of the human body, the anatomical structures and neurological control relevant to the human communication system and swallowing in both children and adults. You’ll also study basic principles of and approaches to hearing and hearing loss.

Clinical and Professional Capabilities 1

You’ll be introduced to the clinical and professional capabilities of speech and language therapists and provided with the opportunity to develop your knowledge, understanding and practical skills related to the profession. You’ll participate in two placements during the year. The placements will provide the opportunity for you to start developing an understanding of the speech and language therapists role, as well as the breadth of settings they work within and the range of potential service users.

Fundamentals of Speech, Language and Communication 1

This module provides the opportunity to gain foundation knowledge from a range of disciplines of relevance to speech and language therapy. You’ll be introduced to theoretical issues in linguistics. You’ll also learn about the milestones, features and theories of typical development of speech, language and communication from birth to school age. Your development as a holistic practitioner will be further enhanced through an awareness of social and cognitive models of psychology, changes and adaptations of an individual across the lifespan, as well as socio-cultural influences.

Introduction to Clinical Management in Speech and Language Therapy

This module introduces you to the service user’s journey within speech and language therapy, as well as principles of assessment, diagnosis, management and intervention. Focusing on disorders and conditions affecting fluency, voice and the development of speech sounds in children, you’ll consider factors that influence clinical decision-making from referral to discharge. You’ll also gain basic knowledge and understanding of a range of models and theories of the causes of disorders and conditions affecting fluency, voice and the development of speech sounds, as well as their impact on the health, wellbeing and participation of an individual.

Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics

This module introduces you to the structure of language as a system. You'll be able to explore the basics of linguistic description, using mostly, but not only, the English language to illustrate. The module focuses on the fundamental linguistic concept of ‘levels’ of language, starting from the smallest (sounds) and building up to sentence structure. Emphasis is on the development of practical skills in analysing language structure. This module will be assessed by a mixture of coursework assessments and formal examinations.

Professional Development and Research 1

This module involves a multidisciplinary team-based learning approach, where you'll work with occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry students and speech and language therapy students. It will introduce you to the role of research and evidence-based practice exploring different research methodologies and the concept of ethics within healthcare research. You'll have the opportunity to develop transferable skills in literature searching using electronic databases, academic writing and referencing. You'll also explore lifelong learning, reflective practice and continuing professional development that underpins the essential skills needed to understand registration requirements for your specific professional and regulatory body.

Entry requirements

ABBat A Level . General Studies and Critical Thinking are excluded. No specific subjects are required but subjects including Sciences, English Language, Psychology and/or Foreign Languages provide a good foundation for Speech and Language Therapy.

128 UCAS tariff points from a combination of Level 3 qualifications, excluding General Studies and Critical Thinking.

Distinction at T Level

DDM in BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma.

  • NCFE CACHE Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma/Level 3 Extended Diploma at grade B.
  • Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 Level 3 credits, 30 at Distinction, 15 at Merit.
  • 128 UCAS tariff points from International Baccalaureate qualifications.

In addition, five GCSEs or equivalent Ofqual regulated qualification at grade C/level 4 or above, including Maths, English and a single Science covering Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics (Double/Dual Award Science grade CC or above; grade 4 for those sitting their GCSEs from 2017 onwards).

If you do not have the appropriate qualifications for direct entry to this degree you may be able to apply to our Health Foundation Pathway leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree.

Offers will be subject to an interview and references. Please note all the information provided in support of your application may be checked and must be verifiable as a true record.

Should you meet our admissions criteria, you'll be offered an individual interview, typically of no longer than 20 minutes. At present, the interview will likely be carried out using a virtual platform unless there are exceptional circumstances in which an alternative format may be provided. The interview panel may involve members from the University/programme academic team, practising Speech and Language Therapists, service users and/or carers and Placement Educators. Questions will be based on the Values Based Recruitment Framework (HEE, 2016) that will enable you to demonstrate your personality, attributes and skills, whilst ensuring that your individual values and behaviours align with those of the NHS Constitution (NHS, 2015). This is particularly important as future healthcare professionals. Some questions have been set by service users and/or carers to ensure that we include what matters to them when selecting our learners. In addition to considering your interview, we will also review your personal statement which you submitted to UCAS. You may therefore want to include information that illustrates your awareness of Speech and Language Therapy as a profession and what has motivated you to choose this as a career. Whilst we appreciate that not everyone will have gained prior experience in this area, showing your commitment and engagement, such as undertaking a relevant reading, listening to a podcast and/or attending a webinar is welcomed. Evidence of interpersonal/teamwork is also beneficial.

You also need satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and occupational health clearances prior to registration on the course. We arrange these as part of the application process. You'll be required to sign a self-declaration at the start of each year and at the end of the course. All police contact during the course must be reported to the course leader as a matter of urgency and may lead to suspension or termination.

Placement providers for this course may require you to have received a number of vaccinations, unless medically exempt, and provide evidence of these. As a student on a course with a clinical or healthcare placement, we strongly recommend that you complete any courses of vaccinations required under current guidelines for your future profession. Failure to do so may result in your inability to undertake a placement in certain clinical settings, therefore impacting upon your academic progression, and may result in academic failure of your course.

Other equivalent qualifications that suggest the student has an equal opportunity of succeeding on the course eg a relevant Access Course, previous professional qualification and/or degree.

If your first language is not English, you will need to meet the minimum requirements of an English Language qualification. The minimum for IELTS is 8.0 overall with no element lower than 7.5, or equivalent. Read more about the University’s entry requirements for students outside of the UK on our International Entry Requirements page.

For further information please see the University's minimum entry requirements.

Daphne Steele Building

The University of Huddersfield has officially opened the Daphne Steele Building, the first development on its National Health Innovation Campus (NHIC). Named after Daphne Steele, the trailblazing Guyana-born nurse and the first Black matron in the NHS in 1964, the six-storey building marks a major investment in healthcare education and innovation. This advanced facility aims to improve health outcomes and drive healthcare innovation across the North of England.

The Daphne Steele Building supports the University’s health professional degree programs with cutting-edge facilities, including high-fidelity skills labs and an award-winning podiatry clinic. It also offers quiet study spaces, a student lounge, social areas, and a café. Hosting courses in midwifery, nursing, physiotherapy, paramedic science, occupational therapy, podiatry, and more, the building provides exceptional support for workforce development in the health sector. It serves as a hub for education and innovation, benefiting both regional and wider health economies.


Practice education is an important and compulsory part of the course. You’ll be required by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) to successfully complete assessed clinical and professional practice through single day and block weekly placements throughout the three years in a range of health, social and third sector care settings, typically within the West Yorkshire region. Please note that you may be required to travel for/during your placements, with associated costs.

Possible placement settings are likely to include hospitals, community services where home visits are required, care homes, pre-schools, schools, special education needs and adult learning disability provisions, as well as mental health and secure settings.

Common activities that a trained Speech and Language Therapist would complete may include:

  • Travelling to clients' homes
  • Assessing and treating clients for example assessing oral movements and carrying out oral care
  • Being part of difficult discussions with clients and carers
  • Talking to the client and carers about the results of an assessment and future management
  • Completing infection control procedures including hand washing and decontaminating equipment
  • Helping to position clients and holding small infants
  • Assisting and/or feeding clients
  • Touching the client's face and neck during assessment to determine movements

Please note that for placements you may be required to travel anywhere within Yorkshire and adjacent regions. This might incur travel up to 90 miles, and on occasion further.

You might incur additional costs associated with practice-based learning such as travel and accommodation. To support these costs including costs which are in excess of your usual daily travel to and from University, you may be eligible to access the NHS Learning Support Fund. Where it is not possible or practical for you to travel to your practice placement from your normal University address, you may be able to claim the costs of taking temporary accommodation.

You’ll be provided with placement opportunities working with both paediatric and adult services across a variety of service user groups. You’ll have opportunities to participate in simulated practice, enabling you to develop your skills in a safe and controlled environment, which will also contribute to the total number of practice education sessions required. For more information visit our placements page.

By the end of the course our graduates are required to meet the pre-registration eating, drinking and swallowing competencies.

Your career

Upon successful graduation and subject to course approval, you’ll be eligible for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and for membership with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).

You could work within the NHS, education settings, independent practice, charities and medico-legal firms, including overseas/international locations. Alternatively, you could decide to specialise in a particular area and/or undertake a qualification in advanced clinical practice. You may also have the opportunity to undertake research or work in leadership, management and higher education settings.


* 80% of graduates from this subject area were in work and/or further study 15 months after graduation (HESA Graduate Outcomes 2021/22, UK Domiciled).

80% Graduates employed*

Student support

At the University of Huddersfield, you'll find support networks and services to help you get ahead in your studies and social life. Whether you study at undergraduate or postgraduate level, you'll soon discover that you're never far away from our dedicated staff and resources to help you to navigate through your personal student journey. Find out more about all our support services.

Important information

Although we always try and ensure we deliver our courses as described, sometimes we may have to make changes for the following reasons

When you enrol as a student of the University, your study and time with us will be governed by our terms and conditions, Handbook of Regulations and associated policies. It is important that you familiarise yourself with these as you will be asked to agree to them when you join us as a student. You will find a guide to the key terms here, along with the Student Protection Plan.

Although we always try and ensure we deliver our courses as described, sometimes we may have to make changes for the following reasons

Changes to a course you have applied for but are not yet enrolled on

If we propose to make a major change to a course that you are holding an offer for, then we will tell you as soon as possible so that you can decide whether to withdraw your application prior to enrolment. We may occasionally have to withdraw a course you have applied for or combine your programme with another programme if we consider this reasonably necessary to ensure a good student experience, for example if there are not enough applicants. Where this is the case we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible and we will discuss with you other suitable courses we can transfer your application to. If you do not wish to transfer to another course with us, you may cancel your application and we will refund you any deposits or fees you have paid to us.

Changes to your course after you enrol as a student

Changes to option modules:

Where your course allows you to choose modules from a range of options, we will review these each year and change them to reflect the expertise of our staff, current trends in research and as a result of student feedback or demand for certain modules. We will always ensure that you have an equivalent range of options to that advertised for the course. We will let you know in good time the options available for you to choose for the following year.

Major changes:

We will only make major changes to non-optional modules on a course if it is necessary for us to do so and provided such changes are reasonable. A major change is a change that substantially changes the outcomes, or a significant part of your course, such as the nature of the award or a substantial change to module content, teaching days (part time provision), type of delivery or assessment of the core curriculum. For example, it may be necessary to make a major change to reflect changes in the law or the requirements of the University’s regulators or a commissioning or accrediting body. We may also make changes to improve the course in response to student, examiners’ or other course evaluators’ feedback or to ensure you are being taught current best practice. Major changes may also be necessary because of circumstances outside our reasonable control, such as a key member of staff leaving the University or being unable to teach, where they have a particular specialism that can’t be adequately covered by other members of staff; or due to damage or interruption to buildings, facilities or equipment, or pandemics.

Major changes would usually be made with effect from the next academic year, but may happen sooner in an emergency. We will notify you as soon as possible should we need to make a major change and will carry out suitable consultation. If you reasonably believe that the proposed change will cause you detriment or hardship we will, if appropriate, work with you to try to reduce the adverse effect on you or find an appropriate solution. Where an appropriate solution cannot be found and you contact us in writing before the change takes effect you can cancel your registration and withdraw from the University without liability to the University for future tuition fees. We will provide reasonable support to assist you with transferring to another university if you wish to do so.

In exceptional circumstances, we may, for reasons outside of our control, be forced to discontinue or suspend your course. Where this is the case, a formal exit strategy will be followed in accordance with the student protection plan.

The Office for Students (OfS) is the principal regulator for the University.

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